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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

7/13/11 - 9/10 Laconia vs Portsmouth

Scheduled to umpire at Colby field tonight. Laconia hosting Portsmouth in 9/10 Division. Laconia needing a win to be in Semi-finals on Sunday. Working a three man, I was behind the plate, DS had first, NS had third. NS is new umpire this year and has been doing a great job. DS is a veteran and one of the guys I owe everything to. Checking the weather radar earlier in the day, and it did not look good. We were moving right along. Was turning out to be a great game. Then sure enough in the 3rd inning dark skies rolling in and the thunder and lighting came. Was in ready position to take a pitch and over the pitcher I see the brightest straightest lightning bolt I have seen. Call the pitch a ball, call time and get everyone off field. LL rule state that we must wait 30 minutes from last sight of Lightning. There was many more bolts after the first. We wait the initial 30 minutes and then the rain came in. So we suspend game until tomorrow night. We will start in the third inning with 2 outs and 1 ball and 1 strike on the batter. We will start at 5:30. So if we keep the pace we had tonight it will not be a long game. I was feeling really comfortable and having fun. In a Little League game that is what counts. Having fun!

On another note, I received a letter today from Bristol. I have my hotel accommodations, and time to be there for first meeting. Also found out that we are going to be wearing Black shirts. That is going to be HOT! 3 weeks from tomorrow me and the family will be there. Looks like they will have 10 of the games televised. Some on NESN, ESPN, I better get a hair cut! haha!

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